frankie sims art       Heart in Art Studio Gallery

frankie sims art Heart in Art Studio Gallery

my name is frankie sims. i’m excited to announce the opening of my gallery, Heart in Art Studio Gallery / frankie sims art in garden city, in the greater boise area of idaho. i will be shutting down this site at ArtPal in the coming months as people become aware of my new gallery.

i am an expressionist-abstract painter. my work focuses on kindness, wellness and openness. nearly all of my paintings in the new gallery are available for purchase, except those on loan from private collections. plus more. i’ll also be adding more pocket-book friendly prints and unique fun things i create down the road. you will soon find them all on my website,

you might have to copy-paste for those to work. both links go to the same site… whichever is easier for you to remember.

as i have written here before, i hope my art touches you in some way, maybe providing comfort, insight, or just brings a smile. i hope you’ll visit, even if you are not thinking of buying, just to look and hopefully enjoy.

i warn you, still a few rough edges at the website, not all i’s dotted or t’s crossed. it’s a work in progress, like most of life.

reach out to me if you have any thoughts or questions. onwards and upwards!

with much thanks,
